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New Mexico professor turns dead birds into drones (nypost.com)
2 points by walterbell on April 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

For years I've expressed my worries on HN and elsewhere that privacy and secrecy will almost be dead when surveillance hardware approaches the size and agility of insects. Hardware lookalikes in the form of say the ubiquitous cockroach or housefly will be very difficult to detect and probably won't be detectable until new technologies are developed to do so.

I don't believe I'm being alarmist when one sees the current state of the art, now think what it will be like in say 20 or 30 years from now:



Detection and mitigation of artificial insects and other microdrones:

  - unnatural flight patterns
  - interest in non-food targets, e.g. screens
  - camping near windows/lights for solar power
  - not vulnerable to aerosolized insecticide 
  - vulnerable to fly swatter and liquids
  - ingress air filters 
  - window/door air seals

While other researchers think of a bird’s color as a way for attracting mates or camouflage, Herkenhoff is studying how color affects flight efficiency.

“We’ve done experiments and determined that for our fixed-wing aircraft, applying certain color can change the flight efficiency. And the same is true for birds, we believe,” he said.

How color can change the physics of flight?

Sometimes to do with how a person has relation to body of aircraft and paying attention to the way effectively and efficiently revolve and assess in the mind. Kinda muscle memory training maybe.

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