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I'm increasingly convinced that peoples' problems with 754 types are psychological. With integers, they are very careful about order of operations, precision, rounding, etc. With doubles, the average programmer fires and forgets. Sometimes that has bad consequences.

A decimal type is definitely necessary, and you can use IEEE decimal floating point for that, too! Other decimal types are very useful. Rationals are a different story: rational numbers are great for addition and subtraction, but if you're going to be doing a lot of multiplication and division, you are going to find yourself also doing a lot of slow gcd calculations to reduce/renormalize the fractions (incidentally, decimal types also need renormalization, but it's a lot cheaper). Most cases where rational types are used today are very careful about not having long chains of these operations.

As to NaNs: those are all considered pretty carefully, and 754-2019 actually reduced the amount of NaNs that propagate around quite a bit. For example, make sure you are using fmax(a, b) instead of std::max<double>(a, b).

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