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‘Amazon doesn’t care about books’: how Barnes and Noble bounced back (theguardian.com)
10 points by iamflimflam1 on April 15, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

James Daunt is a bleedin legend, I used to frequent his Marylebone High Street Shop EVERY lunchtime when I worked on New Cavendish St over 23 years ago, there was so much to go through and the place was a delight.

The joy and delight of finding something that you aren’t looking for is much more a physical experience than a virtual one when it comes to books for me. Finding common ground with the person who chose to display a book that interrupted and diverted your walk down the street, brilliant.

The smell of old books, the weirdness of the subjects, the dedications to people who had lives like your own, long live bookshops.

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