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One for samurai puzzles and the others show different difficulty levels and different sets of puzzles. Extremesudoku.info shows the most difficult puzzles we have come up with. Easysudoku.org is the opposite. Sudokuhints.com and fiendishsudoku.com both show a range of difficulty but the puzzles are completely different. Sudokuhints.com was actually the first site and fiendishsudoku.com came up as a redesign. Sudokuprintables.org and sudukopuzzles.org are both designed to allow printing of 2, 4, or 6 puzzles per page and have different sets of puzzles.

Thanks! What I mean is why not one domain to host all of this? Must get expensive and more admin to have so many.

All those domains can still be pointed at the same deployment. The only extra cost is registrar and DNS, which is not much.

Usually the reason for this kind of setup is better SEO.

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