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Databack, a project to backup your MySQL/PostgrSQL (github.com/long2ice)
2 points by long2ice on April 14, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

# databack

Backup your data from MySQL/PostgreSQL/SSH etc. to any other storages.

## Introduction

`databack` is a tool to back up your data from MySQL/PostgreSQL/SSH etc. to any other storages like S3, SCP etc. Which can be run cron job to back up your data automatically.

## Screenshots

You can try it on [Demo](https://demo.databack.dev/) site.

![databack](./images/home.png) ![databack](./images/datasource.png)

## Features

- MySQL/PostgreSQL/SSH/Local data source. - S3/SCP/Local storage. - Cron job to back up your data automatically. - i18n support.

## Deployment

The easiest way to deploy `databack` is to use `docker-compose`.

```yml version: "3" services: databack: restart: always env_file: .env network_mode: host image: ghcr.io/long2ice/databack/databack ```

## Configuration

Just set environment variables in `.env` file.

```ini DB_URL = mysql://root:123456@ DEBUG = True REDIS_URL = redis:// SENTRY_DSN = 'xxx' ENV = production WORKER = True ```

## Worker

By default, `databack` will start a builtin worker to run tasks when environment variable `WORKER` is `True`. If you want to start multiple workers, you can run `rearq databack.tasks:rearq worker` command.

For `docekr-compose` deployment:

```yml version: "3" services: worker: restart: always env_file: .env network_mode: host image: ghcr.io/long2ice/databack/databack entrypoint: rearq databack.tasks:rearq worker -t ```

## Frontend

The frontend project is [here](https://github.com/long2ice/databack-web).

## License

This project is licensed under the [Apache-2.0](./LICENSE) License.

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