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When they came for my rights, where were you?

When they come for yours, where will we be?

We are right here. Supporting your right to modify your body, modify your consciousness with drugs/molecules, end or extend your life, go full cyborg, or whatever you want. Is that support reciprocated for the things I want to do? Genuine question.

What do you want to do?

I want to build a rifle that's 25 inches long, or a 51 caliber pistol. I want to shoot big fireworks on my own land on the 4th of July, as long as the noise and smoke doesn't carry over to my neighbors. I want to be free to risk maiming myself in a vehicular accident, if I choose not to wear a helmet or a seatbelt. I don't want anyone else to pay for my mistakes. I just want to be free to make them.

It is ideal, and there are a lot of assumptions regarding having a sense of responsibility. The trouble becomes when said sense does not exist and there is no recourse. You may very well want to do this:

> I want to be free to risk maiming myself in a vehicular accident, if I choose not to wear a helmet or a seatbelt.

But circumstances and the laws of physics will not always allow this:

> I don't want anyone else to pay for my mistakes.

Your vehicular accident may also end up maiming others. We do not exist in isolated mutually exclusive bubbles.

> I want to shoot big fireworks on my own land on the 4th of July, as long as the noise and smoke doesn't carry over to my neighbors.

I'm all for you launching fireworks, but I don't know how you'd prevent the noise and smoke from carrying over to your neighbors. You might be better saying "...as long as the noise and smoke are reasonable".


As long as you can't sue me for injuries you sustained when I hit you in an accident. If you're willing to "man up" and actually pay for your right to not wear a helmet or seatbelt - fine. If you're expecting me to pay for that right, well, we have a problem.

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