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I am exceptionally optimistic about a future with LLMs. They seem to do really well at fastidiously replicating solutions to problems. What the currently lack, are relevant training data to generalize solutions to problems or the ability to perform higher order generalization.

I find it very easy to solve problems, but tedious to broadly apply solutions across domains. I'm also very sloppy as a programmer, letting my mind wander further into the future problems to the determent of the current task. Having an LLM buddy to codify my thoughts, regularize them and apply them with high precision would make me MUCH more productive.

In the end, it may be that LLMs are simply better programmers than 99.999% of people. But there will always be need for specialists to bridge between the LLM and some other domain and programmers of today will be that bridge.

And if not... then AGI will have eaten us all up to make paper clips anyway.

LLMs are very good at translating, so the reverse seems more likely: LLMs interview domain experts and generate specifications.

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