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Of the answers I see here, I think I agree with yours most.

I think LLM uptake in coding/engineering tasks will be slow and boring. You won't see some companies suddenly have 1000% growth due to AI. Well except maybe AI companies themselves selling the AI.

I suspect it'll be more like GitHub Copilot or similar products becoming more ubiquitous. Don't have to type as much or do some mundane tasks as much. But overall your work itself wouldn't change too much. GitHub Copilot is damn useful but by now it has also become boring and you don't see headlines of it these days.

Long-term (10+ years) though I'm less confident. Maybe by then some major new breakthrough have happened in AI that can automate way more than now so the "hard parts" in software development are taken care of as well. But right now I think the fear of losing jobs for an AIs is overblown, at least for software.

What do you think about a tool like Copilot X + autoGPT that knows your codebase and can work on its own on autopilot? The current limitation with chatGPT is that it doesn’t know what your existing tech stack or codebase looks like.

Copilot X should fix that - it knows your codebase and hence, can share answers that are contextually relevant. Maybe autoGPT can then go around and start debugging and improving without your direct input?

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