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Show HN: These Abs Do Not Exist (theseabsdontexist.vercel.app)
7 points by wpeter8 on April 12, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This appears to be an advert for.... probably the worst AI product I've seen so far "tinder glowup" an app that will generate pictures of you shirtless with protruding abs... "Spice up your Tinder/Hinge game. More Matches, More Dates." People really make some lame stuff.

Interesting, these look generated to me, wonder if they trained some kind of ab picture LoRA and are just using it with random celebrity names. The tinder glowup thing must either train another LoRA or maybe a full a dreambooth model tune on you and then combines that with the ab LoRA to make fake ab shots haha. Not sure these are high enough quality to fake anyone’s tinder profile but they would be good for gag gifts.

People have been loving it!!

I’ll bet, the dreambooth paper is really magic haha. Is this your project?

The first image I loaded looked just like Jack Nicholson, the second image I loaded showed me a picture of Justin Bieber.

It is just a photoshop of a head on a body. The body is not photoshopped.

Apparently these abs do exist. Just not with the head in the picture.


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