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Musk is moving forward with generative-AI at Twitter after purchasing GPUs (businessinsider.com)
9 points by consumer451 on April 11, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

So we’ve gone from “Elon will save Twitter by fighting the bots” to “Elon will buy Twitter and pivot to bots”?

The article mentions search and advertising as potential uses at Twitter, but i have another thought...

Not sure what this would look like at Twitter exactly, maybe this is better for Reddit, and the comment section at NewspaperX.com, but GPT-Mod sounds interesting. I know that most small newspapers stopped allowing comments due to the overhead of moderation.

I somehow missed this comment just now, but yeah, moderation is what I'm thinking.

Who needs free speech when the AI bots start trolling us all?

I suppose I'm being facetious, but I really don't see why a conversational platform would even need an AI chat. And given Elon's paranoia about what AI can do, his will probably be super tied down (ie: not very functional).

My guess is these are for monitoring content, rather than generating it.

Musk knows he needs mods. He just doesn't want to pay people to do it. He's probably betting that whatever they spend developing the FSD of content moderation will still be less than hiring actual mods.

What's even better than unmoderated speech for the masses? Unmoderated speech for racist nazi bots, of course!

r/homelab envy?

I'm not going to lie, I got some GPU envy of Elon Musk with his 10,000 GPUs. I guess I should have hustled harder and pulled my bootstraps harder if I thought I deserve to have them and not him.

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