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I’m in the “introduces himself by his field, leaving out his title and firm name” camp. When possible, I leave out the field too.

Is that a vague "I'm in publishing" or more closer to what you do day to day: "I'm a book editor/printer/book publicist/typesetter" etc. - I find the latter is more of interest.

Same. Only people in my field will know the title (and whether they care or not is another story).

If I keep it to the broad job function that layfolks will understand, the topic usually quickly shifts to the next thing if it doesn't strike a chord with the other party. And that's cool. It's all just small talk jumpoffs until something both clicks for the two people in the convo.

Especially since, when I am more explicit, people start believing something else and correcting them is the most boring thing.

I'm in Waste Management.

Could you elaborate a bit on that?

Personally I think waste management is one of the coolest things to do. Everyone generates waste, and it is fwcking so much up for us.

An old Indian word for a sweeper (lowest caste sweeping roads with a broom) is Mahader - meaning ’the Greatest’.

I’ve done work at waste water treatment facilities, land fills, incinerators, to name a few horrible places; and as terrible the surroundings may be, it grants a special self esteem, wealth and ‘ordinary’ status will never fully give you.

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