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[flagged] Bitcoin is the snake oil of our generation (dhiwal.com)
23 points by me551ah on April 11, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Either this has been majority written by ChatGPT, or the author has no clue about their own arguments about Bitcoin, especially when saying that 'Bitcoin is anonymous' or exchange hacks has something to do with Bitcoin's security.

This article's arguments has been regurgitated ad nauseam by ChatGPT snake oil.

Bitcoin is interesting, and useful, but it isn't a serious replacement for fiat currency. It certainly isn't an investment either, buying it and hoping it increases in value is just Beanie Babies 2.0 but less cute.

I'm happy it exists and it inspires people. I'm not happy that it has turned many people who own it into amoral cryptocoin pushers.

You can't install beanie baby miner in random parts of software.

The author said in the security heading that it’s unsafe cause he trusted his keys to a 3rd party wich got hacked. Sounds more like a salty article than a well written one.

This reads like it was written by ChatGPT

Unfortunately drug dealers dont accept venmo or zelle so it has at least one use

You'd be foolish if you use Bitcoin for illegal purposes since it's ledger is public. Monero is a much better option for that

Suspicious article and suspicious origin.

The only censorship resistant asset is snake oil? Smh

> In this article, we will examine

Nice try ChatGPT.

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