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Reddit plans for further improvements to web experience (reddit.com)
10 points by HopenHeyHi on April 11, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

A huge improvement would have the mobile web site act less hostile. It pushes the app on first arrival; at the bottom there is an "this page looks better in the app" a fat finger width from the next button; comments are un-scrollable randomly; etc. To be honest, it does curb my access of the site so perhaps the status quo benefits my time.

> it does curb my access of the site so perhaps the status quo benefits my time

My take too, whenever a website is purposefully shitty to try and get me to download their app, I just use it less. Good way to get less screen time in.

I can only use it in desktop mode on mobile browsers, and it suits my needs.

So ironically this link is to old.reddit.com, feast your eyes as that is being sunset. So is the compact view.

Even more details in their 2023 product priorities thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/11l3td9/making_redd...

You don't actually need to read it, just look at it. This is the only way it will look going forward. Like Discord or some such.

I am not a redditor but find it useful for search results sometimes - this just feels unusable.

Yeah there's only one valid interpretation of "improvements to web experience" - they're going to make it worse like they've done the last 5 years.

There is increasingly a divide between the zero attention span tiktok bullshit in the main feed, begging me to use the app, algorithms, awards, coins, engagement ... and the really awesome text-based discussions occuring in the subreddits. At some point Reddit are going to fuck the site up even more - like getting rid of old.reddit.com - and people might finally pack up and leave.

I laughed the other day when visiting an nsfw-tagged post and not being allowed to view it with a web browser. "Browse privately using the app". What? In what universe is your shitty app more private than using Chrome incognito?

old.reddit.com is the only way I use Reddit. I don't use it on mobile, but I've a strong feeling that if old.reddit.com gets sunset, I'll probably stop using it altogether.

I use Apollo on iOS, it’s the only form the site is usable.

I had to switch to Apollo when i.reddit.com was sunset a few weeks ago. It’s decent if you get rid of the thumbnails and reduce font size. It’s still way slower than i.reddit.com and you can’t seamlessly browse to other websites via Safari, so it’s still a strict regression from that imo.

That being said it’s probably the best mobile app experience for reddit someone could ask for. It’s usable, which is more than can be said about the current mobile site.

My question is if old.reddit.com sunsets, will Reddit Enhancement Suite browser extension look the same.

Ah even the post from Reddit itself isn't worthy showing to me fully... Instead I have to open it.

And then the collapsed comments are right mess. Sometimes hovering auto expands them sometimes not, I click they open there and then sometimes it takes to new page...

Thankfully I don't use it anymore, but it is still kinda funny...

I really don't understand the hate for the modern reddit ui, its great! I really hate clicking on reddit links on Hn because they are almost always old.reddit.

In the example of OP: On modern reddit, reading the entire top post requires 2 taps (1 to dismiss the "try the app" overlay, another for "Read more" to expand).

old, teddit, and libreddit all require 0 taps.

Since you are on mobile, this is an acceptable tradeoff to actually be able to read the posts and the comments. Of course libreddit is the best in this case.

How is the app-nag-overlay an acceptable tradeoff?

Its better than not being able to read the post at all, and brave blocks that by default since the last update.

old.reddit is just more efficient on the screen. You can scan hundreds of articles in a fraction of time from the new.reddit.

Are you the designer of new reddit?

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