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I think religion (christianity) is recipes that worked for the human race for thousands of years. Now, don’t get me wrong, a lot of stuff is no longer useful, is not used or need updates. But on the other hand we change things at a speed that we can’t keep up as a society. My mother had 8 siblings, I had one and and most now will have zero on won’t exist. A society that does that disappear in a few generations. Much of the west subsist on immigration at the moment. What that mean is that our civilisation will change drastically or disappear.

Personally, I was an atheist scientific that rejected religion for most of my life. Recently to my great surprise I find out that the wisdom I was seeking was there all along.

At the same time, I don’t want to believe in fairy tales and the bearded magician in the sky, but there is a deeper symbolic meaning hiding behind the stories for those ready to dig deeper.

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