Porn is a hyper reality. It’s obscene, but more it’s really just produced a lot. Normal sex resembles porn about as much as a show about high school resembles high school.
There are some specific harms of pornography, but it shares a lot of dimensions with commercials, marketing, and other media.
The entomology of the word porn even indicates this. It means “to sell off” eventually meaning prostitution, which is a sales activity primarily.
Digital porn scales well, though this isn’t good for most. We’d be in a better world with non-scalable sex work instead. It’s more ordered and aligned with the human experience.
The digital whores are not human, and you can’t have sex with them, which is the whole draw no?
If you find a partner attracted to you, sex can absolutely be alike in porn and free of charge. If in the hypergamy hierarchy you're an equivalent of rat or homeless dog, bad luck.
Seems your comment is getting some disagreement, perhaps because of your follow-up statement.
I happen to agree with you, broadly speaking. Everyone's experiences and preferences vary, so I'd wager that most people don't experience that kind of sex. If one isn't a total schlub, however, it's not out of the realm of possibility.
The idea that people can't have the kind of sex they like reminds me of the idea that women don't like sex that much, which is far from the truth. But maybe I've just gotten lucky (no pun intended).
even the sex in porn is nothing that resembles reality. and if you're male, and she's being nice and fulfilling that porno fantasy, trust me she's not into it and it won't be long before sex no longer happens as often once she gets comfortable with you.
There are some specific harms of pornography, but it shares a lot of dimensions with commercials, marketing, and other media.
The entomology of the word porn even indicates this. It means “to sell off” eventually meaning prostitution, which is a sales activity primarily.
Digital porn scales well, though this isn’t good for most. We’d be in a better world with non-scalable sex work instead. It’s more ordered and aligned with the human experience.
The digital whores are not human, and you can’t have sex with them, which is the whole draw no?