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Twitter Alternatives: A Continuously Updated List + Notifications (twitter-alternatives.com)
5 points by giftedhorse on April 10, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Hey folks,

As you may know, Twitter is now censoring competitors by outright lying and placing false "this is harmful/spam" warnings when clicking on competitors' links. This caused me to (for the n-th time since 2022) Google for "Twitter alternatives". But clear results are hard to find in today's SEO-mess, and sifting through old/unstructured news articles isn't ideal either. So I spent a few hours making twitter-alternatives.com.

It's a simple table of all currently known Twitter Alternatives and their main traits, like Top Countries, Platforms, Security, Notable Accounts, etc. I'll keep it updated as much as I can, and you can submit suggestions too.

You can also get notified when a new Twitter alternative launches. Why would you want this? Because many alternatives aren't fully developed, and some are pre-launch. Clicking "Get Notified" simply sends an email from your email account - I promise to only email about new Twitter Alternatives and nothing else, but I also encourage you to use a disposable email if you can.

My main learning from this is that surprisingly, nobody has literally just cloned Twitter and focused on porting everyone over. Mastodon is closest, but it's federated, so the feed and search doesn't work as well as Twitter's, and often has performance problems. Substack Notes seems pretty promising, though I don't have access.

Who am I? I'm just a boring guy in SF, but I'm trying to stay anonymous because as unlikely as it might be, I'd prefer to minimize the risk of getting personally targeted by a certain vindictive billionaire and his uh, very enthusiastic fanbase.

Best, GiftedHorse

PS - Off-topic, but to copy Twitter's userbase, why doesn't a competitor just copy all @handles, then generate a random key which the user publicly tweets from their Twitter account to claim their new account? It's tough to block - you could even make the key an innocuous-looking sentence. The rest of it, like old tweets + followers, is in "download my data" which can't be disabled without fines from the EU.

Edit: Added twitalternatives.com as the main domain, in case twitter-alternatives.com is taken down for trademark issues.

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