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Russia killed its tech industry (technologyreview.com)
10 points by hn2017 on April 9, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Russia is ultimately a kleptocracy with the real money made from resource extraction - oil, natural gas, metal, etc. From that point of view any other industry is extranious because it doesn't add to the oligarchs bottom line.

They had significant intellectual capital until Putin seemingly single-handedly destroyed it all. The universities of Soviet Union were top notch and Russia retained a lot of that.

As a testament to that, over the last 2 decades we had plenty of immigrants from and outsourcing to people in Russia and ex-Soviet countries, and as a rule, those people are great programmers.

The more self righteousness bubble there is in the west, the more painful if will be when it pops.

Anyone know how much stochastic parrots like this Masha Borak[0][1] got paid writing this lazy propagandists articles that is suitable as content substitute for actual journalistic honest work ?

[0] https://www.mashaborak.com/work

[1] https://twitter.com/a_bachulska/status/1622881058873016320

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