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Product Deconstruction and Review: Rexona Spray Can (2022) (dienamics.com.au)
35 points by JonyEpsilon on April 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Amazing post and they’re not trying to sell you anything, just appreciating other work. What is it about true expertise that is so intriguing? I have so many questions after reading this.

Best part is they are selling something… to a very specific audience… in a non obtrusive and non-annoying way. Clearly they are knowledgeable in this area and are proud to show off.

Aka "Content Marketing"

I love reading posts like this. I try, very hard, to write posts like this for my blog.

It's deeply knowledgeable about an area, communicates it clearly, without surplus yackery (though I'm a bit prone to my mini-rants about things), and good images explaining what they mean.

It's not a 45 minute video, at hundreds of megabytes, with 25 minutes of fluff, and 20 minutes of very low density content.

One of my guilty pleasures is to watch one of AvE’s power tool tear downs. There’s something relaxing about watching someone question the die makers’ choices, based on the injection marks and other manufacturing evidence.

As a non professional it is always astounding how different the designs for injection molding are from hobbyist 3d printer parts.

For 3d printing there so many caveats to make something easy to print. But for molds that seems to be on a different level.

How you they now the plastic goes everywhere? Do they use flow simulations or is it experience?

So this is a highly engineered throw away premium deodorant spray can from Korea?

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