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I saw on their YouTube channel that they are tentatively targeting 4/20 to light it up :)

ughft. I mean: I smoke hashish, but honestly, Musk's adolescent little references like these are really trite and demeaning to the magnitude of what his companies are hoping to achieve. S3XY, poop emoji and 'Titter'. ughft, just stop already.

I find it helpful to separate space Elon, car Elon and nut job Elon. (The man is one. But his shadows track three suns. His influence is indirect, and in that, varied myths cause varied outcomes.)

It's certainly dumb, but what's the harm with being a little irreverent and having fun while you're doing good, impactful work?

If you knew me irl, you'd know I'm very much in favour of humour and irreverency, especially where it might not be expected or even appropriate – but I'm not that much younger than Musk and honestly, I just find his particular flavour of humour childish and cringe-inducing.

13-year old me would've been gleefully receptive to it – the not-far off 50-year old me... somewhat less so.

The trouble for him here is – I'm not sure who amongst his consumer base would find it amusing.

- ed Also: I, like everyone else, saw that clip of him 'smoking' pot on Joe Rogan's thing. Unlike Clinton, he really didn't inhale... . NASA had nothing to worry about there.

I think part of Elon's charm is his cringe. He's a crazy uber-billionaire literally digging tunnels, making flame throwers and launching interplanetary rocket ships. His childish irreverence is what makes him dorky Tony Stark (Marvell superhero) rather than Hugo Drax (Bond villain).

I'd suggest that perhaps that simply implies that Ian Fleming's imagination could only run so far.. :)

I don't get the people who hate it to the point of complaining about it in discussions.

I mean I don't find the farting and 4/20 references funny, but I don't see a reason to be bothered. I'm happy for the people whom it makes smile.

And I think S3XY is clever. I like that it gives the models sort of a canonical order and always feel good when I see them ordered that way by someone other than Tesla.

I actually enjoy a bit of silliness and things not being so serious

i don't smoke weed anymore, but it brings me true joy to know that people are so serious that mild harmless fun can bother them.

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