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Bystander ignored dying Cash App founder Bob Lee as he begged for help (nypost.com)
2 points by michlim on April 7, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

"Bystanders are individuals who observe violence or witness the conditions that perpetuate violence."

No evidence the driver saw anything. No other "bystanders" present.

Be sure to read through all the "democrats" comments of mostly victim blaming and much worse.

"He created the WHO’s global vax passport and was at the forefront of digital behaviors systems. His peers should fear a similar fate."

None of these commenters would have lifted a hand, most of them would have cheered.

You're driving at night and see a bloodied person running towards you. Did he just murder someone? Or was he the victim?

This is really sad. I found comfort walking in public because I assumed if I’m stabbed/mugged, people will help me. I’m wrong.

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