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MNT Reform: DIY Portable Computer Goals (2017) (mntre.com)
50 points by peter_d_sherman on April 7, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I backed the smaller form factor brother, the Pocket Reform[1].

Can’t wait to have a small hacking laptop to bring in my backpack!

[1]: https://www.crowdsupply.com/mnt/pocket-reform

I'm really tempted by one of these, mainly because I think we need to be supporting more of these open hardware projects, especially in this world of decreasing freedoms.

The Pocket Reform looks like it might be a fun way to support them, reminds me of my old Psion5.

I'm really curious if anyone has purchased one of these, what they think of them? It seems like a really cool project, I'm just not sure about the utility of it given its constraints.

I bought one, I really like it. I mean I haven't used it as a daily driver but I blame myself mostly for that. Performance wise, sure, it will get outperformed, the screen is only 60Hz. To me it's like a piece of art I'm afraid to actually put to hard use. I have taken advantage of its open source nature, opening it up, messing with the batteries and wifi card, and seeing how to affect the hardware components through software.

My flaw is my addiction to 4k 120Hz which it can't output, and that if I just need to accomplish a simple task I already have ultrabooks lying around that I'm more likely to grab because they're lighter and faster. But I still am glad I bought it.

If you have cash to burn def. throw some @ mnt.

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