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I can't tell if this is a charicature or a real post - either way it definitely supports they hype bubble hypothesis. A completely empty fawning missive saying "this will change everything" with no reference or connection to anything. We could easily substitute deep learning, web3, etc without having to change it.

Below in this thread I jotted down some actually value I get from this AI hype that actively makes me more money, more productive and yet have more time for other things. Didn’t have that 6 months ago.

I use GPT for coding every single day. It's improving quite fast. I can't wait for Copilot X.

I've never said the same about crypto. Don't let it confuse you.

It seems self evident to me.

As a programmer I use ChatGPT constantly all day every day.

I can imagine any number of ways in which AI is going to completely redefine what programming is, and how software works.

AI is going to be able to make connections and draw conclusions from large data sets that humans simply cannot, which will make vast difference to things like energy production, the efficiency of any number of energy consuming and generating devices, in medicine, in cosmology, in aeronautics, in defence, in agriculture. Name any field - engineering, construction, education - everything is going to have some level of influence from AI.

Consider something as mundane as tax, finance and accounting..... AI means you will be able to say something along the lines of "analyse the past three years of my 4 banks accounts and my tax account, consider my age, assets and demographic position and tell me all the tax breaks that I am legally entitled to and tell me what to do to take advantage of those tax breaks". Later developments will likely allow you to go on "And then go ahead and register the changes with the tax department and the bank and let me know and send me an alert every time I have financially benefited from making these changes that we have just discussed."

AI will be able to draw connections, see things, hear things, watch TV, watch cameras and make decisions and draw inferences based on what it has seen. Following a crime, police will be able to say "is there any CCTV in North London from about three months ago showing a man in a red hoodie and blue jeans". Politicians will be held to account in real time for saying things that contradict themselves because the AI systems will know everything and if you say "Tell me any time a former President contradicts themself against previous statements", then that will happen.

Without wanting to be insulting, anyone who can't see this perhaps lacks imagination.

The biggest one is that AI will in time come to underlie everything that computers do at some level.

Programming already feels closer to painting than it ever has thanks to AI.

I'd be surprised if Apple hasn't allocated at least $100,000,000,000 to AI development at a minimum and likely similar numbers from Amazon, Google and Microsoft. In addition huge number of small companies and open source developers are working on stuff. ChatGPT is just the start and it's not going to be a monopoly like Google4 had on search - this will be fragmented and domain specific in many cases.

Just this morning I was thinking "I wonder if I could tell the AI to pretend to be a Furby and only discuss topics that relate directly to Furbies.", with the idea of putting one into a toy for fun building on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQQbs94qung

Its not hype.

> I'd be surprised if Apple hasn't allocated at least $100,000,000,000 to AI development at a minimum and likely similar numbers from Amazon, Google and Microsoft

> Its not hype.

> ... AI to pretend to be a Furby...

Sorry to pick on this and be a little snarky, but all of this is hype.

100B? That's more than will ever be spent on fusion research - unlimited cheap energy.

OpenAI, the leader in the space, is valued at 29B and they've delivered a compelling product with seemingly less than 1B raised.

I get that people are excited, but this will be imo a smartphone type innovation. Sure it's made a lot of stuff sort of different (but not that much imo), lot's of new applications and apps - the "world's entire knowledge at your fingertips" but has it really changed humanity? Most people play freemium games on them, order takeout or take selfies and browse social media.

So I'm guessing this new wave of generative AI will mostly give us more of our shallow entertainment... virtual celebrities and gossip, on-demand personalized games and chat partners.


These companies have the money, they’ve been saving it for a rainy day which has arrived.

Man, stop educating these people. The servers are overloaded enough as is. :p

Eh, "will be", or it won't be.

Meanwhile I propose replacing `AI` with `Yogurt`. Not only it reads better - we already have yogurt. Also, wasn't there a Black Mirror episode featuring yogurt? In any case, there's also this: https://www.rifters.com/crawl/?p=6315

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