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I met Bob the evening he launched square cash at a Giants game. Incredibly friendly and approachable guy. He walked in the room and introduced himself by sending me $1 over email by CC'ing cash@squareup.com. I remember thinking, holy cow we have the CTO of Square hanging out with us on the day of one of the biggest product launches he orchestrated - what a time to be alive.

I spent the next few months / years keeping in touch, grabbing beers, and unsuccessfully trying to get him to join my company (iCracked) at the time. I always loved catching up with him and getting the pulse of what was happening in silicon valley. He had a few antique arcade machines and would light up when talking about them.

The last time I was able to catch up with him was we randomly ran into each other on a beach in Mexico a year or so ago - we got together for dinner and traded stories (this was peak covid). I'm tearing up writing this. You'll be missed Bob.

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