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OpenAI Whisper is really good.

Here’s an iOS app to play with it: https://whispermemos.com

It even formats recording as paragraphs by running through GPT.

This site is using Whisper:

> Built using transformers.js and the whisper-tiny.en model.

I've been using Whisper Memos for some time now. Simple but useful app to quickly save an idea or memory when you don't have time to type. Speech recognition is much better than native one, especially with languages which are not widely supported.

This app has been my go-to solution for efficiently recording thoughts or memories without the need to spend time typing. Its proficiency in speech recognition is notably outstanding.

I really like the accuracy of Whisper, but I feel like it operates at roughly real-time on my machine.

You can speed that up 16x with "faster whisper" https://github.com/guillaumekln/faster-whisper

How is the latency? This is whisper running on the iPhone?

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