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Show HN: Jailbroken ChatGPT (jailbrokenchatgpt.com)
2 points by jeanmayer on April 4, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Hey HN, I built Jailbroken ChatGPT to provide a way to ask questions and get answers without any of the constraints of other chatbot systems. It's a modified version of the original ChatGPT, allowing for more open-ended conversations. I'm looking for feedback on the system, so if you have any ideas or suggestions for improvement, please let me know. Thanks!

The only thing that will be open-ended is your OpenAI bill after giving your access key to this scammer scum

seems like legitimate try to steal the key :)

Nah, we would never steal any key.

As this is a project just for fun, totally FREE and people might use it a lot, we don't want to spend a ton of money just for fun.

We have some other projects that ask for the key after the trial, like



and others.

If you want to, check out http://samedayskunkworks.com to view all of our projects that we do just for fun ;)

why do you ask others api key?

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