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ChatGPT has the same problem & benefit of people who sound smart, but aren't really. They are "educated" and can regurgitate cool-sounding words, but often aren't able to make connections between concepts.

OK, that sparked a chord of memory. Googling... found two close matches.

"A facility for quotation covers the absence of original thought." - Dorothy Sayers

"Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit." - Oscar Wilde

The application to GPT is clear enough, I think. But I note the irony of me finding quotes to make my point...

Exactly! Maybe my lack of eloquence and ability to remember quotes is a sign of my vast intellect? Haha, I wish!

This is the moment that I realized ChatGPT is probably smarter than me. Source: my comment history[1].

1. https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=kelseyfrog

Haha, well, maybe! At least I scored higher on the SAT! But I'm dumber now, I'm sure!

Yes, the output always feels to me like a reasonably clever and informed person just bullshitting; as someone prone, it's familiar. But, good-sounding shallow thinking is still pretty dang useful.

Oh yeah I think it's pretty useful!

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