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Tell HN: Llama 33B is the Tower of Babel. It's time to celebrate
16 points by rasengan on April 3, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Some guy I know ran Llama 7b, 13b, and 33b, quantized. 7b provided poor translations. 13b provided incorrect translations. 33b translations, even for difficult legal text, was spot on, and relatively fast on his m1 mac [1].

To me, this is a *really big deal*. Private, translated conversations between all people of the world is now a thing. I'm so incredibly excited about this.

I really want to say thank you to ggerganov, antimater15, nomic ai, all those who contributed there, Meta, Meta Research, Mark Zuckerberg, and all those who contributed to this. I also want to give a special thanks to Sam Altman and the great folks at OpenAI for spearheading the scene and turning it into this movement that it is today. Finally, I want to thank YC, HN and pg too!

This has truly opened a way for people of the world to be connected in ways not possible before. There are no walls between us people anymore.

2023 is not the time for quarrels between nations - it's the time for us all to truly be able to understand each other. Thanks everyone!

[1] Feel free to try it yourself if you have Llama, just prompt with "Translate this to ______: <source text in another language>" where ______ is the language you wish to translate the source text into.

I just wish georganov had chosen GPL for his work instead of MIT license. Facebook is probably never going to release these weights in the open, but instead they will take his work and use it to embed these models in their apps or even sell them. AI needs its own linux

His 33B was quantized to how many bits? Also,

>There are no walls between us people anymore.

Oh boy, I guess we will see. All bets are off AFAICS.

> His 33B was quantized to how many bits? Also,

To 4! :D

Can you ask some guy about 65b?

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