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The New GraphHopper Maps (graphhopper.com)
4 points by karussell on April 3, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Recently we released a new version of our route planner frontend GraphHopper Maps that we rewrote from scratch with OpenLayers and React. Let us know what you think!

Some highlights: 1. Open Source. The routing server is open source too and geocoding too; 2. Based on OpenStreetMap 3. Including many routing profiles like biking, walking, car, truck & more; 4. It supports alternative route suggestions and many different map backgrounds; 5. At the bottom right you can see many different details about your route. Click one of the triangle buttons to see the elevation, incline/decline, the road surface, road class, toll, country and more; 6. Supports many many stops, even on mobile; 7. With a powerful custom model (top left gear icon) you can exclude motorways, prefer hiking routes and much more; 8. works on mobile too.

Based on my experience with OSM, I was expecting very bad things, but wow this is excellent. I was even going to complain that it included a ferry segment in walking directions but I checked and it turns out that GMaps does the same thing

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