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Ask HN: Resources to Understand Vector Databases
3 points by atomicnature on April 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Hi HN,

I've been trying to experiment with QA systems based on OpenAI APIs recently, and there are a bunch of new topics which I am quite uninformed about.

One such topic is Vector databases. I know of FAISS, Pinecone, Vector extension for PG, etc. However, the landscape seems quite bewildering to me presently, and most of the documentation is not helping me grasp the essence of this technology.

What'd be some good resources to learn Vector Databases from multiple perspectives? I'm looking for how-tos, tutorials, intuitive explanations and references - anything that helps me understand these things better.

How well do you know the guts of RDBMS, Information Retrieval, and other database technologies?

My understanding of these things is at an advanced end user level (think: can tweak SQL, can use explain, can optimize queries, have an intuitive understanding of what's the right way to write queries, etc.). I am nowhere near at a researcher level understanding of these things.

I'd suggest talking with ChatGPT about it - treat ChatGPT like a tutor.

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