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I think we need to change the income tax code to massively incentivize people to get married and have kids. I’d support increasing the tax rate pretty massively and then introducing a tax deduction of like $20k per kid.

For instance a couple with 3 kids and a home would have around $70k-$100k in deductions (60k kids, 10k-40k in state/local taxes etc). If they had an income of $120k it would be adjusted to like $30k and they’d pay essentially no taxes.

It’s a deduction and not a credit specifically so people that the state isn’t incentivizing clients of the state to have kids.

Hungary tried exactly that (basically 55-60k EUR/USD free to each couple that said they want 3 kids plus 0% income tax for life for mums) but it didn't work. It was a 0.8% blip but that's it. Maybe it would be different in the US because in europe healthcare and education is already "free".

Why stop there?

Since you believe that human reproduction is a de-facto property of the state, simply calculate how many women should have babies, for optimal society, and force them to?

No need to muck around with some tax incentives. Redistribute the true source "commodity".

As a bonus, if you're high up enough, you might even get to choose who mates with whom.

There might be a pretty huge gap between incentivizing responsible people to create families and own property (these are very good things for a country and society) and forcing women to reproduce and with whomever the government assigns to them.

"Responsible people"

What I mean by that is using a deduction, not a credit. You aren’t paying people to have kids but rather incentivizing people that are financially independent by lowering their current tax burden while they have kids <18. Their surplus of kids will more than make up the tax revenue down the road.

For poor people you continue to focus on helping with basics (food and shelter), family planning measures, and up-skilling towards becoming independent. Since a deduction probably isn’t helpful in these cases, a tax credit would continue to exist.

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