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Computer made of DNA works out prime factors of 6 and 15 (newscientist.com)
14 points by sahin on April 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments


That's about as good as a quantum computer can do using Shor's algorithm.

I guess we will soon see 1000s of articles about how DNA computers are just on the horizon and all your security bases are belong to... Not to forgot all the counter-programming articles about post-DNA cryptography and how your browser already implements it, so stop worrying.


The DNA computing hype train was from about 1994 to 2001. Then people realized that liquid state has severe disadvantages for computing. The new DNA hype train is using DNA for long-term data storage- which is also not a great idea.

But we are all computers made of DNA tho

Computer made of DNA made by computers made of DNA works out…

Alas I can't find the warrantee support number for mine

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