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We're nowhere near reaching the max human life span,controversial study suggests (livescience.com)
1 point by petodo on March 31, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Meanwhile, due to economy, depression, disease etc. actual real-world life span is dropping...


However dubious, theoretical, or inapplicable to the real world the study might be - it does sound well-designed to appeal to narcissistic billionaires. And the author of the study appears to be a not-yet-tenured professor at an American university...

Having reached the plateau I can tell you that the confidence you had that you would probably live on is replaced by genuinely not knowing if you have 3 years or 30 years left. It is disconcerting.


- Methodology: statistical extrapolation from historical mortality data.

- major limitation: does not account for the biology of aging. Cell aging has exponential components. Environmental components accumulate.

very low confidence

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