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Top Technologists and Elon Musk Demand Immediate Pause of Advanced AI Systems (gizmodo.com)
3 points by nickthegreek on March 29, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

“pause all training on any AI systems more powerful than Open AI’s recently released GPT-4 for at least six months” .. Six months only?! I thought it was about ethical values etc etc. not just “so we can catch up”.. anyone has an access to that open letter, I want to know all these weasels hiding behind “ethical values”!

"Please pause for at least 6 months"

I find that to be pretty weird. If this is so dangerous surely 6 months wouldn't make a difference.

Nothing will make a difference. This is monetary driven, not for the good of mankind or whatever. Musk being miffed about not being in openai but having bought shitshow Twitter instead.

More like:

"stop and wait for us to catch up!"

Is Elon stopping work on FSD? On computer vision for his robot? Thought not.

And does anyone really care what Woz has to say?

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