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We can use the same argument for any other cloud password manager. If google/Apple blocks my access, well it’s those services I am trying to log into in the first place so the point is moot.

Also I have recovery keys for the more important accounts printed and stored in a safe box.

I agree, perhaps I should have emphasized that my point of view is that anyone should back up anything stored on the cloud.

Which I'm glad to know you can at least do with Keychain [1], although I use Bitwarden myself.

[1] https://support.apple.com/guide/keychain-access/import-and-e...

Except password managers that YOU need to take care your vault, like KeePassXC.

I used keePass before LastPass, but the issue was with keeping the file synced. I had it in Dropbox and I was able to open it no problem from the phone, but making updates from phone was a challenge. Maybe I was not using a good app but it was a hassle to keep it synchronized.

But anyway, somebody could cut off your access to Dropbox, but it’s less of an issues since you have a backup.

I simply don’t sync my vault. I don’t add or change passwords very often, so I treat the vault in my computer as a “main copy” and once a week, during my backup routine, I copy the current vault to my phone. Never had an issue.

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