* Busy people are peaceful people. Idle hands are the devil's playthings.
* Those "arbitrary people" are our neighbors, and prone bodies draped across the sidewalks are bad for property values.
* Allowing domestic industries and expertise to vanish too quickly can have unintended consequences. Try buying a new set of subway cars in the US today...
That being said, nobody suggested forcing employers to keep redundant positions open. There are plenty of other ways to help keep people productive and engaged in a shifting industrial landscape, which could be funded through various kinds of taxes on the use of AI.
* Busy people are peaceful people. Idle hands are the devil's playthings.
* Those "arbitrary people" are our neighbors, and prone bodies draped across the sidewalks are bad for property values.
* Allowing domestic industries and expertise to vanish too quickly can have unintended consequences. Try buying a new set of subway cars in the US today...
That being said, nobody suggested forcing employers to keep redundant positions open. There are plenty of other ways to help keep people productive and engaged in a shifting industrial landscape, which could be funded through various kinds of taxes on the use of AI.