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Good for you. But it seems that cryto is a zero sum game. Every dollar one person makes, another person loses.

Bitcoin is trading at 28k. When the dollar is endlessly printed, all you need to do is not sell your bitcoin and eventually you'll come out ahead. Because the dollar supply is infinite, it is not zero-sum.

This is an interesting observation. Governments officially support inflation, i.e. stealing your hard earned money (as stealing money seem to be better for economy) and you cannot do anything with it.

If bitcoin was the only crypto, maybe, but there is an infinite number of possible crypto coins.

There's an infinite number of fiat currencies. There's a dozen different precious metals. What's your point?

The point is only valid when you are going to make a case for "crypto" on Bitcoin's finite supply.

An infinite number of Facebook clones, too.

Why is that relevant? Anyone can create crap. That doesn't change the tech.

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