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> People who aren't partisans one way or the other could not give less fucks.

The author appears to be Canadian, so maybe he's just oblivious.

> But even bona fide leftists have used red hats ironically and in comic sketches ever since they appeared.

Of course. But the article author doesn't appear to be mocking the MAGA movement, just using an ill-advised expression and photo to make an unrelated point.

An author has to know their audience. Whether or not you personally believe that MAGA revulsion is "justified", it's a mistake to put off a large portion of one's audience, even if that was unintentional.

>Of course. But the article author doesn't appear to be mocking the MAGA movement, just using an ill-advised expression and photo to make an unrelated point.

The author is just using it as a meme-template of "Make X great again", repurposing something considered tacky as a joke, as countless others have done. Obviously ironically, the same way people would use "Just say no" or other slogans ironically. In fact, it's pretty obvious they're anything but sympathetic to the original thing to use it jockingly like this.

It's time to stop being so negative to anything that's not sterile corporate speak, sanitized six ways from Sunday by HR and marketeers.

> the same way people would use "Just say no" or other slogans ironically.

Just Say No was a largely ineffective advertising campaign from over 30 years ago.

MAGA is the slogan of the previous and possibly next POTUS. This is serious business, and there's a lot at stake. Perhaps democracy itself? I make jokes all the time, but I wouldn't casually joke about this.

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