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FAA.gov nameservers are down and staff claim nothing is wrong (faa.gov)
5 points by KennyBlanken on March 26, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I ran into something similar with the DMV. It took a dozen calls to help them understand why RFC1918 private addresses in public MX records won't work. They wanted me to email the details...

Another 3 letter agency that shall not be named tried every two years when their certs would expire to order us to install their server certs into all 50k of our servers rather than just installing their intermediate cert correctly. That went on for 6 years and they finally corrected their behavior. Nobody would believe me if I said which agency was doing that and they do not respond well to embarrassment anyway.

I guess what I am suggesting is to give them time. It will probably take a bit to escalate internally.

"I finally got ahold of someone at FAA and they said they aren’t seeing any issues. I tried to explain but didn’t get anywhere."


Did you tell them to press F5?

Doesn’t load for me either. Can't ping from various vpns on west coast.

Is it down says online..


Doesn’t load for me either:


Sure hope their internal stuff doesn’t rely on an external view for that domain.

It’s up for me now

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