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Survey: Remote workers are working about 1/3 of the time (expressvpn.com)
2 points by trailsandwich on March 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This is only a fair comparison if you also measure how much people in the office are actually working and not just being present at their desk. The results would probably be similar.

Totally agree

I find it hard to believe that almost half of remote workers are watching porn on company devices.

I’d also like to see a comparison of “wasted hours” when in the office as well. This kind of stuff went on long before remote work got popular.

Almost half of those that use ExpressVPN i.e. not many.

Is this good PR for the VPN company? Aren't they admitting they snoop on what userd are doing? Isn't that undesirable in a VPN?

"Use our vpn! We record when you're watching porn!"

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