This is an auxiliary tool, it does not affect uBO's efficiency when not using the auxiliary tools (logger, viewers, etc.) You won't find a leaner content blocker than uBO CPU- and memory-wise, by quite a good margin, and this new auxiliary tool changes nothing about this.
Being a volunteer filter list maintainer is a thankless and time-consuming task, and when I myself investigate filter issues, I repeatedly have to go through the same steps which is looking at the source code of pages and JS resources, which most often are minified, and it's also difficult to navigate between the different resources back and forth. If you want to understand the benefits, I suggest you regularly try to contribute to filter lists.[1]
You help make the Internet more usable and less dangerous for countless people every day. This isn't to mention the real world impact of less power usage due to fewer assets being transferred and rendered (or executed.) Thank you!
I’ve never thought of it that way before, but between all the blocked ad payloads, cryptominers, and other malware that uBlock Origin stops from going onto millions of PCs every day, gorhill is probably one of the world’s greatest individual fighters of climate change.