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While this is very exciting it's worth pointing out most of the page falls under "WHAT WE’RE EXPLORING." That is to say, these are from the marketing department and it's impossible to know whether they are strictly aspirational or just around the corner.

From the page:

> Looking forward, Firefly has the potential to do much, much more. Explore the possibilities below ... We plan to build ... We’re exploring the potential of ... the plan is to do this and more ... in the future, we hope to enable.

All that being said, shut-up-and-take-my-money.jpg!

They do a highly rehearsed live demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3z9jYtPx-4

It's mainly just text to image, but the results are extremely impressive IMO. Probably best in class for a lot of usecases.

Yeah, we are being a little more open, a little earlier, in part because this space is so new, and we really want feedback / direction from the community.

Currently in the beta, there is text to image, and text effects, and will have vector recoloring in the next couple of weeks.

I was incredibly happy to find a second career in 3d. To get there, I focused on building skills that I could find clients to pay for, and I love the process: modeling, texturing, lighting. Getting the details of products just right. I worked a lot of hours after a my day job an unrelated field to build a client list, learn more, provide more value, and keep doing the thing I love. Eventually, I was able to go freelance. I knew I would be competing with a globalized world, but I figured I could maintain my career through proven value and relationships.

And so far, that's been true! Despite the ubiquity of 3d services in low-wage areas of the world -- and good ones! I've been able to build a career that I'm proud of.

I'm the millionth person to say it, but this is like watching a predator you know you can't avoid, slowly gaining on you.

I'll find another job, I'm sure. But it won't be the one I love and that I worked hard for.

Keep up the good work. I raise my point solely because people are comparing these trailers against Stable Diffusion and the like, when in reality the examples are artists renditions. There's no point in comparing.

I hope someday y'all get to the point where we can change a video's season, time of day, etc. and have things work seamlessly. That would be quite incredible!

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