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Modern language models refute Chomsky’s approach to language (lingbuzz.net)
4 points by georgehill on March 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Chomsky's approach to language killed traditional philology and real engagement with other languages in linguistics. If all languages can be reduced to a universal grammar, you can just look at English and learn about all languages! This leads to me encountering a horrifying number of "linguists" without competency outside of English.

All this, when we have multiple documented natural languages which violate key parts of Chomsky's work.

This is even worse when looking at language instruction, where older materials are significantly more effective. Polyglots will recommend "Teach Yourself" or "Colloquial" books from the 40-50s, the same with Linguaphone, Assimil etc. for the most part. (50 hours with Assimil and you're scratching B2!) Modern materials built on modern pedagogical methods bring the user nowhere after significantly more time invested.

They no more "refute" other models of language than numerical methods invalidate or refute symbolic math and exact, closed-form solutions.

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