Doing more shit that doesn't work, with the only benefit being profits for the tech industry, should be a non-starter.
There's a reason most Silicon Valley high end private schools don't use tech to teach. Because it doesn't work. And pretending it does at this point is just idiotic. It's a waste of money that could be better spent.
I agree, nobody wants to spend money on education, but "throwing that limited funding away getting every student a faster iPad" doesn't help solve the problem either.
>There's a reason most Silicon Valley high end private schools don't use tech to teach
Until a few months ago no one who might build these products had access to models that were anywhere near this good, so of course it is only becoming a serious consideration now.
No one has attempted anything like this, I'm not sure why you are acting as if this has been tried and failed.
There's a reason most Silicon Valley high end private schools don't use tech to teach. Because it doesn't work. And pretending it does at this point is just idiotic. It's a waste of money that could be better spent.
I agree, nobody wants to spend money on education, but "throwing that limited funding away getting every student a faster iPad" doesn't help solve the problem either.