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The font is awesome. Can you please tell which font it is.

It's just this:

    p, .conversation-chat, blockquote, em, strong {
        font-size: 1rem;
        font-style: normal;
        font-family: Menlo, monospace;
That's really the heart of it. I've wanted to try using a sans-serif font like Inter, but I'm stuck in a pit where people expect me to use a monospace font and any attempt to move away from that means I basically change a huge part of the site's visual identity. I'm still trying to figure out how to find some middle ground because I am told that the monospace font is hard for people with dyslexia to read.

I'll figure out something, I'm sure.

The Input font family by David Jonathan Ross focuses on monospace programming fonts, but it also contains a nice sans-serif font that kind of has a similar aesthetic. I’m not a typeface person, so I know I’m not explaining it very well. The homepage has tons of samples if you scroll down: https://djr.com/input

It’s one of my favorite fonts for code, but I also used Input Sans as a font for writing in Obsidian and Ulysses for a while. It was very good!

Maybe a quasi proportional font like Iosevka Etoile? You can easily hack it to your likings (see https://github.com/vincentbernat/vincent.bernat.ch/blob/feat...)

Oh god I have gone down a rabbit hole how. I have a custom font family that I'm probably gonna reuse across my other projects. This is your fault.

Here it is in action: https://xeiaso.net/blog/coffee-isekai

It looks rad! ;-)

Atkinson's hyperlegible?

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