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Not all that long ago people on this very site were super enthusiastic about the prospect that my job would very likely be taken over by the robots.

Because, you see, the robots didn’t need to be perfect but merely fractionally safer than the humans.

Now all I see is No True Scotsman arguments on why the current crop of AI won’t take away their jobs and, ironically, my job is pretty safe due to Tesla’s tomfoolery causing blowback from the feds.

So robots eating the world is good or what?

Yeah, it's pretty bizarre. So many people who become incensed by businesses profiting from being shitty to customers are gleefully just dumping the clutch without looking for people in the crosswalk. Maybe literally if the car is driven by an algorithm. I'll bet they could whip up a lot of macho, patronizing personal-responsibility-based arguments in support of being able to mow down the slower pedestrians at crosswalks though.

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