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We actually migrated from Pinecone to Weaviate and it's been great far and I definitely recommend it. Top 2 features are: 1) the way they handle class properties is super intuitive and allows you to configure which properties to index, and 2) the cross-referencing feature which gives you relational DB like features in a vector store. Major props to Bob and the team, they've also been super helpful answering our questions.

The main painpoint is probably around the UI for their cloud version. The web interface is not great, but if you do most of your testing with the client libraries it works very well.

As for wishlist - maybe I'm biased but ironically the docs could be better haha it's a bit difficult to find what you're looking for sometimes.

Thanks, Jason! Very soon, the public beta of the cloud version will be live with a brand new UI, and 100% self-service hosted Weaviates

Awesome! Great to hear :)

Great work, congrats. You might be already familiar with Qdrant, but feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to get help testing or discuss anything around it.

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