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Show HN: Transmart – Automate your i18n localization with AI (github.com/quilljou)
1 point by quillzhou on March 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite
Are you tired of manually translating strings in your project's i18n files? Check out Transmart! This open-source developer tool uses ChatGPT to automate i18n translation. Simply specify the base language and all the languages that need to be output, and Transmart will generate the necessary locale files for you. Transmart supports large file sizes, also support all languages that can be displayed using Intl.DisplayNames and processed by ChatGPT Additionally, it offers the ability to override AI translated values, and is compatible with i18next and chrome extension i18n

While still under active development, Transmart welcomes PRs and bug reports. Have an try:


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