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I Created a GPT-3.5 Powered Telegram Bot Using Only AI Tools (litvinau.com)
3 points by umate on March 15, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Interesting (yet unsurprising) point when you ask an AI tool to depict an assistant that it generally provides female likeness: "Unfortunately, all imaginary assistant characters are depicted as human and primarily female-looking, which can be seen as a gender bias."

bum bum bum the future is here and it's perpetuating biases even further, yippee

Anyways, great work with this walkthrough, it's fun to be a passenger as you go through the explorations with each of the tools and what works well vs what doesn't.

It would be great if GPT-3.5 could remember everything it did as part of this project. So if you ask it a week later, you won't need to clarify the context.

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