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The article isn't even using π, but 'pi'. I don't think they strove for rigour and formality.

So, if the article was serving up on a raspberry pi instead of sprinkles on frosting, that would make things more rigourous/formal? aka rasberry pi has been put through some rigorous/formal testing methods.

Or per ' I don't think they strove for rigour and formality.', what was done to rule out the article being baked & served using a qem rasberry pi?[0]

[0] emulating a rasberry pi with qem : https://gist.github.com/plembo/c4920016312f058209f5765cb9a3a...

Huh? Sorry, I'm a bit dumbfounded.

What does the Raspberry Pi have to do with anything here?

Semiotic breakdown:

Ok, jumping into the deep end of the pool, potential semiotic [0] interpretations:

bug screen (Poisson) & computing grid (Fourier).

Permits one to crunch the numbers without eating the sprinkles. aka gets around the 'You can't have your cake and eat it'[1] issues.

symbolically supports the no formalism approach: a) Pi is irrational number. b)Raspberry is stand in for Bronx cheer [2][3].

Perhaps not being able to eat the cake & complete the project is a good idea (less sugar high & more realistic interpretations/results).

[0] : https://www.uvm.edu/~tstreete/semiotics_and_ads/terminology....

[1] : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_can%27t_have_your_cake_and...

[2] : https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/bron...

[3] : https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bronx%20Chee...

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