These technologies aren't really going to help big rights holders nearly as much as they're going to help small players and indies. Big rights holders already have efficient pipelines, automation and well tuned art departments. They can already crank out movies that are so effects laden as to be visually overloading non-stop. These tools might let them achieve similar or slightly better quality for less, but it's not going to fundamentally change anything. For example, if Avatar 2 VFX cost 200 million, maybe it'd come down to 20 million, but the other production costs would still be significant.
On the other hand, small indies can now do respectable VFX without resorting to CGI, needing expensive makeup/props or green screens. They could film in a field with actors in Halloween costumes, then place them in locations built using simple geometry in blender, and then AI will texture, style and light everything, modulate voices, etc. It'll be a game changer in terms of the types of films people will be able to make at the <100k price point.
> in the entertainment industry the
animation industry the expressiveness
the ability to create new films and new
ideas has exploded and as an end result
has created actually more jobs and
budgets have actually gone up if you
look at the budgets now compared to what
they were back in the 90s they're
> ...
> it's something that people want to go to
and laugh and cry and be scared and be
moved and and learn something from
those are the things that people are
going to go and watch and
um if you can do that then the
technology will follow the technology
will create new jobs I'll guarantee you
I've seen it happen I've been I've been
doing this for 35 years and I've seen it
happen I've gone through it a couple of
> so at the end of the day do I think it's
a threat? No I don't think it's a threat
I think it's exciting I think it's
really exciting so I'm just going to sit
here I'm going to sit here and continue
drawing on my hand-drawn animated short
snow bear and I want you to go out
embrace the technology embrace the
things that are new see how you can
express yourselves through them put some
beauty back into the world and I'll talk
to you next time thanks
On the other hand, small indies can now do respectable VFX without resorting to CGI, needing expensive makeup/props or green screens. They could film in a field with actors in Halloween costumes, then place them in locations built using simple geometry in blender, and then AI will texture, style and light everything, modulate voices, etc. It'll be a game changer in terms of the types of films people will be able to make at the <100k price point.